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Service quality check and assessment

Customers may not remember what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.


    How to reduce customer price sensitivity? Every entrepreneur is concerned by this question. To check service quality is the first thing to do for a director who wants to increase his profits. The customer receiving perfect service usually does not focus on a price. This is because of both emotional and rational aspect:

  1. In a case of receiving of a good service, a customer appreciates the value add of the goods been purchased, which competitors do not have. A customer is always ready to pay for something more than just a product or service.
  2. The staff which satisfies customer expectations is a professional staff. And all of us want to be served by professionals.
  3. A customer may not remember all the words of an employee who brought service to him, but he definitely remembers his mood after the serving. We are attracted to people who can trigger positive emotions.

Evaluating the quality of customer service

quality product + good service

loyal customer

growth of profits

Usually people choose the companies for their goods and services, and leave them because of misdoing in a service.


At the moment of purchase of the goods or service the client has his customer experience forming. And what it will be depends on the employees of your company, their competence, professionalism and motivation to satisfy a customer.

Requirements of a modern customer are changing for the better. He is not satisfied with “satisfactory” or “acceptable” service any more. And the companies all over the world react to such changes.

Gartner, Inc.: 80% of directors noted that the main part of their business strategy is the strategy for improving of customer service, and first of all, in order to improve customer experience.


Sometimes information about customer experience can give more data for improvement than advanced market research.

How to measure it? A number of marketing researches can help you while quality service analysis in your shop or service point. With the help of service assessment it is possible to measure customer experience of your consumers.

  1. 1. Mystery shopper is an assessment of a company service by an independent shopper or expert in service sector (spotter). This research includes the check of compliance with service standards, personnel professionalism and efficiency.

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  2. 2. Mystery caller is an assessment of a service providing to the customers by phone. This research helps to estimate compliance with standards of remote sales and advising. It effectively assesses the work of receptionists, employees of call-centers, managers of online shops and technical support services.

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  3. 3. Mystery employee is a check of specialists who is engaged in personnel selection. Assessment system includes a check of headhunter or HR manager at the stage of an interview and probation of mystery candidate. Mystery employee estimates professional skills of a manager and compliance with standards of personnel selection.

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