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Менеджер зв’яжеться з Вами протягом години.

Приєднуйтесь до нас у соціальних мережах:

Ми публікуємо новини про маркетинг, тенденції обслуговування клієнтів, аналітику та кейсі для бізнесу.



Mystery shopper

  • 1. How long is the project preparation stage?
    • The preparation stage takes from 7 to 14 days. Because high-quality preparation of the project is the result of joint work of the Customer and the Contractor, the time frames of this stage depend on how much time you are willing to cooperate with us.

  • 2. What are the visits?


    And by type:

    Assessment of teamwork – when we assess the work of the outlet in general.
    Individual assessment – when we assess the work of certain employees. Any project that we're doing with you, initially focused on your needs and the tasks that you need.

    • Visits vary in format:

      With opening (at the end of check mystery shopper reports that it was a test).
      With buying (and optionally followed by a return of purchase), with a test drive, fitting, registration of the loan– depending on the product and services of the organization being audited.
      With objections (conflict, scandal).

  • 3. What affects on the cost of the visit?
    • The cost of the visit is affected by the complexity of a scenario where Mystery shopper does a visit, test purchase and its size, duration of the visit.

Mystery caller

  • 1. . Whether it’s possible a Mystery shopper to phone from a landline of a certain area?
    • Yes, there is such a possibility. If you have a caller in your call center, we’ll find the Mystery shoppers from the area that you need.

Mystery applicant

  • 1.Whether skills of a mystery shopper match to a position for which he claims in the assessment?
    • As a rule, yes. Mystery shopper is selected on the basis of his actual skills, for example: the experience of «working as a waiter»or «logistician».But if you need to check the behavior of the HR person with a person who does not fit the job profile, we’ll find the MS with other skills.


  • 1.How long does the research last?
    • The research period depends on the size of your company, as well as the level of competition in the market. Practice shows that it is 60-90 days.


  • 1. . Who conducts the polls?
    • Quantitative research methods: polls (conducted by interviewers with experience in this area).

Constantine Tsygulev
Head of department on work with clients
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